There are of course 26 letters in the alphabet. From the time we are children each of us are taught our ABC’s. For those who are parents there is a sense of joy and pride in teaching their children and watching them grown in confidence. Such is the joy of learning and evolving.
As we grow and mature and move into adulthood, we continue to draw from the initial lessons that we learned from childhood.
Each letter in the alphabet can represent something different to us. We are the ones who decide how and why a letter can be representative of something special.
I’m led to focus on the letter P. In doing so I am finding myself looking at 3 words that begin with the letter P.
Plan. The dreams and aspirations that we have are given to us for a reason. With those comes the responsibility of taking charge. How do we make the aforementioned come to pass? It must begin with a plan. Plan to achieve. Plan your process of fulfilling your dream. Plan to execute the steps needed to reach your mountain top.
Passion. Within each of us must come that desire that cannot be seen. A drive that is like a heartbeat. A feeling that wakes us up in the morning and continues to see us moving forward. Passion that is intangible such that for some is akin to an eternal fire within. For those who seek to achieve often it is that very passion that carries them through.
Perseverance. For each mountain top high there will be valleys low. No journey is assured to be without challenges. In times when valleys seem infinite, in times when valleys test the very fabric of our souls, there is that well of determination that we often draw from. Perseverance that tells us to keep pressing forward. Perseverance that reminds us to not give in. Perseverance that says greater is that within me than that which stands before me.
Three P’s. Each representative of those qualities are bedrocks of success. Three P’s that stand together as contributing factors to the achievements that we seek. And three P’s that when it’s all said and done will find us drawing from daily in our quests.
Best Selling Christian Author
International Christian Blogger
Song Lyricist