There is with each passing day a sense of what awaits us. I would imagine as well that there is a moment in time whereby, we will pause to look back over past days and gather a summation of what has occurred.
Summation for some is what may be referred to as looking back. To some looking back is not something that they readily do. They may feel that what has happened in the past and that there is no reason as such, to look shall we say in the rear-view mirror.
For others, the act of summation is a necessary part of the journey. Summation that allows them to view the past in ways which offer confirmation of what has successfully transpired.
Summation, which also serves as an affirmation of what has happened in the past can be a pretense to what tomorrow may bring.
It is important to partake of summation. Doing so in part if nothing else grants each of us with moments to exhale and appreciate that which we have come through.
During those times of summation, we are not only positioning ourselves for reflections but also reminding ourselves that what carried us through our yesterdays and motivated us to keep pressing on is there for us to draw from.
“To know where you are going calls on us to remember where we’ve come from.”
Summation. Within it is the capacity to stop looking and remember. Summation. Within is the option to draw from, learn from and draw inspiration from. Summation. For in the spirit which it is intended may for each of us to be reminders of what was and what is, and what is to come, according to that which each of us are drawing from.
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