In this last month of 2024 there may be for some of us the question of how did the year fly by so quickly? The beginning of 2024 was just a few days ago. And yet in the blink of an eye here we are preparing to bring down the curtain in 2024.
There will be for many of us the need to look back over the year and do some type of review. A review that provides us with the opportunity to gauge what we have accomplished. A review as well that allows us to examine where we feel we have come up short of some of our goals.
While our reviews are needed, what may matter as much as anything is what our perspective will be at the conclusion of those reviews.
Are we willing to give ourselves credit for that which we were able to accomplish? Are we willing to say, “I am pleased with that which represents the fulfillment of my goals?”
On the other hand, will we consider the final grade of our resort in a negative manner as it relates to that which was unfulfilled? Focusing on what is missing?
For each, I must imagine there may be a mixture of both. In the grand scheme of things what should be remembered is that we are still working in progress.
Works in progress who, if we are fortunate enough, have the gift of another day. And yes, another year in which to continue pressing forward. Blessings which should not be taken for granted. Yes, it is a cliché but nonetheless true; tomorrow is not promised to any of us.
Point of view. Perhaps in a sense is the glass half full or half empty? To each there is a choice. Choices which will serve as the basis of our tomorrow. I would suggest that each of us chooses wisely.
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