“Should old acquaintances be forgotten, and never recalled? Should old acquaintances be forgotten and days of long ago?!”

It is safe to say that for many individuals, this indeed was a professed refrain as the year 2024 gave way to this, the new year of 2025.

Glasses were raised in toast. And with excitement, this refrain was voiced by many.  For some the changing of the calendar from the old year to the New Year was done so perhaps in private.

These promises made, I would surmise, were made in earnest.  Perhaps, even in the emotional celebration of the moment, they indeed seem to be well intended by each one who uttered them. 

But as life has proven time and time again, “promises at night are so easily made, but they can disappear in the light of day.” 

As the New Year moves forward, we find numerous examples of old acquaintances that we are all excited to forget.

For some, perhaps it is that old bugaboo of lack of exercise.       Witness the annual spike in fitness center enrollments during the first of the year.  For some perhaps it is the challenge of distancing themselves from that old acquaintance of smoking.  And for some, it might be the promise of breaking away from the habit of being unorganized. 

Old acquaintances it has been said become so by virtue of us becoming accepting of and comfortable with them. 

As this, the new year of 2025 unfolds, as Christians we as well are presented with a new opportunity of distancing ourselves from “Old Acquaintances.” 

For some, there is that old acquaintance called FEAR.

Fear in and of itself can cause us to be afraid to move forward. Or at times it can cause us to come to a complete stand still.  But in this, a new year, let us remember that “God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 

For that old acquaintance called DOUBT, when we find our unbelief rise, let us remember to

Trust in the Lord with all our hearts, and not to lean on our own understanding.” 

 Or when that old acquaintance of WAVERING FAITH comes knocking on the doors of our heart, even then we must be diligent in knowing that “faith is the assurance of things hoped for, and the conviction of things not seen.”      

And when struggling with the presence of anxiousness, let us remember to “Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall.

This new year of 2025 has arrived and is under way.  With this New Year comes the anticipation of what it will bring.   As we, who are a part of the Body of Christ, let this be our new beginning whereby we pledge to forget old acquaintances, forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead.  To God be the Glory…… Amen   



Best Selling Christian Author

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