It has been said that what begins on fire is only worth warmth based on the continuation of it’s flames. The journey is not quickly fulfilled but by virtue of pressing on we will see that which is unseeable.

I do believe that there is a popular game that has been on the scene for years. Where is Waldo? Now it has been quite awhile since I was a part of the search for Waldo. But nonetheless it was, as I recall, a task at times trying to find Waldo. Sometimes we were successful,…

Success is the outcome of relentless preparation and unwavering determination. However, the period of waiting can be emotionally draining. I had been invited again to speak to the group of women and inspire them to continue to pursue their dreams. I prepared as if I were going to speak to an audience of thousands who…

We all are on a path that we refer to as life. A path that will see us going down roads that at times may not be familiar to us. A path that will at times seemingly find us looking around and questioning whether to go forward or not. This much is certain. Life cannot…

We all have at some point in our lives come to a moment in time whereby we are faced with putting say an object together. There have been countless times I would imagine where we have gone to a store and purchased an item that we then need to assemble. What then becomes important is…

Each day is a challenge. Each day is going to find us going through the ups and downs. Each day will at times push us to our very limits.  

But the choice is going to come down to us. Are we to be among the many that are given to stop in their tracks and wait for impending doom? Or are we to be a part of the few who say come what may I will continue to press forward in faith and commit to stay the course and emerge not defined by the struggle but refined by all that I have endured.

I had finished a presentation encouraging women to perceive their dreams and when I asked the women what their challenges were one thing was common amongst many. Fear of rejection or the pain from being rejected in trying to convince other people to buy into their dreams. If you are in business rejection is something…

There is for each of us destinations that we are moving towards. Sometimes they are by our own choices. Other times truth be told life will lead us in a particular direction. There is no standard method to be considered the norm.   For each of us as we are moving and heading down the road…