Each day presents us with the opportunity to be in pursuit of our destiny. Destinies that are going to be different for each of us. Destinies though different still represent a driving force for many that propel them forward daily. For some their destiny has taken the form of a dream that perhaps was birthed…
This the eighth month of 2024 is well underway. There is no restriction on how quickly time moves forward. The essence of time’s message is it waits for only extends the opportunity to all to stay in step. There is for each of us the reality that we go about our daily routines with a…
I had been invited to a roundtable discussion hosted by Gordon Institute Business School in partnership with the National Business Initiative and Nottingham Business School. Empowering Business Leaders Against Gender Based Violence. Other panellists included companies implementing Gender Based Violence initiatives that are externally/community focused. As we were discussing on our table someone raised an…
Each day it has been said starts out as the same. We wake up and from there we will see how the actual day itself unfolds. This much is such. Even though our days start out the same we all know that there is no guarantee that each day is going to be just a…
There is for each of us paths that we will follow during this journey called life. No one path is going to be the same for everyone. Some will go in one direction, and some will go in an opposite direction. This much is certain. Whatever path it is that you follow there will be…
We joined network marketing ventures to make some passive income, but as much as I did not walk away with passive income, I walked away motivated to continuously develop myself personally and professionally. One thing they emphasised in all the businesses I joined was to listen to tapes then for those who were successful in…
It has been said that what begins on fire is only worth warmth based on the continuation of it’s flames. The journey is not quickly fulfilled but by virtue of pressing on we will see that which is unseeable.
Turning The Page. The moment is present. The season is awaiting us. Our actions will define us.
Time’s presence is a gift; let’s never lose sight of that. With such a gift how are we making the most of it?
The dreams that you have, are you pursuing them? The memories to be made, are you committed to making them come true?
I do believe that there is a popular game that has been on the scene for years. Where is Waldo? Now it has been quite awhile since I was a part of the search for Waldo. But nonetheless it was, as I recall, a task at times trying to find Waldo. Sometimes we were successful,…