There is for each of us from the very second that we are born a running clock. A clock as such that moves forward regardless of our desires, whims, and fancies. Time it has been said is indiscriminate. It functions within a realm that has its total commitment to moving forward with no thoughts of…
In various parts of the world, we are entering the spring season of the year. For those who have come through the challenges of winter, spring represents not just a changing of the seasons but also the dawn of a new time of the year. There is the newness of nature coming back to life…
I had finished a presentation encouraging women to perceive their dreams and when I asked the women what their challenges were one thing was common amongst many. Fear of rejection or the pain from being rejected in trying to convince other people to buy into their dreams. If you are in business rejection is something…
Time has always moved without regard for our input, wishes and desires. It does so with a sense of purpose that causes each of us to make choices. Do we move in step or do we plant ourselves in those seasons of the past and say I will not be moved? Our answers to a…
To be or not to be December comes with mixed emotions. Some are tired from the hard work of the year 2022 and are looking forward to the holidays so that they can find time to relax and hopefully reflect. Some are excited because when they look at their results from their business they multiplied…
January is a month of setting new resolutions. Everyone has energy and looks forward to momentousyear of execution and achieving. The atmosphere is positive at church depending on where youfellowship your pastor also gives you a “Theme of the year” to get you going. If you go on social media,there are numerous posts of the…
Every child comes into this world with vivid dreams that are locked deep inside their hearts waiting tomanifest like a beautiful rose that eventually blossoms with a floral scent and bright red colour. Everyhuman being is divinely created with a deep-sited potential waiting to be unleashed regardless of thecircumstances they are born into.The starting point…
I arrived at the Saloon earlier than my appointed time and grabbed a magazine to entertainmyself as I waited. As I flipped through the magazine an article about a Celebrity who hadfinally decided to walk away from her abusive relationship caught my attention. She was tired ofhiding her pain from the world. As I read…