I do believe that there is a popular game that has been on the scene for years. Where is Waldo? Now it has been quite awhile since I was a part of the search for Waldo. But nonetheless it was, as I recall, a task at times trying to find Waldo. Sometimes we were successful,…
We all are on a path that we refer to as life. A path that will see us going down roads that at times may not be familiar to us. A path that will at times seemingly find us looking around and questioning whether to go forward or not. This much is certain. Life cannot…
At this point in 2023 we can say that we have gone beyond the halfway point. Time once again proves it does not hold any regard for how we feel about it. This much we know about time; it does not discriminate. It treats each of us fairly in its march ever forward. Each of…
There is for each of us from the very second that we are born a running clock. A clock as such that moves forward regardless of our desires, whims, and fancies. Time it has been said is indiscriminate. It functions within a realm that has its total commitment to moving forward with no thoughts of…
There are of course 26 letters in the alphabet. From the time we are children each of us are taught our ABC’s. For those who are parents there is a sense of joy and pride in teaching their children and watching them grown in confidence. Such is the joy of learning and evolving. As we…
The question has been asked. How do you eat an elephant? The answer is one bite at a time. The adage is such that it speaks to a multitude of different situations in our lives. There is within us the predisposition to view a challenge or a goal from the perspective of successfully achieving our goal…
Often it has been said that time waits for no one. Though we find ourselves on many occasions wishing for days gone by we know that in spite of those hoped for desires we are never able torecapture what has already passed. For those who think that time wait for us, witness the reality ofhow…