As I prepared to go to work this morning I did follow my usual routine.  Part of my routine includes listening to the news while I am getting ready.

I must admit that watching or listening to the news each morning can be both inspiring and as well discouraging.  At times as I prepare to leave I do so with a sense of hope that all will be well.  And then there are those times when I leave home feeling that things don’t seem likely to work out.

Each of us I believe on a daily basis is dealing with many different things in our lives.  As well we are also on a daily basis subject to a constant barrage of images and messages that attempt to shape and define us as individuals.

It is in my opinion that in the times that we are living in, there is constant pressure to try to fit in.  Fitting in is not necessarily a bad thing.  But more often than not we find that there is a growing mindset that popularizes the theory that those who choose not to fit in are by definition missing out or dare we say the odd balls.  At times we find that the choice of not fitting in may lead some to feel that something is wrong with them or that perhaps they have made a bad choice.

To this end I can remember as a child hearing an old saying.  “You can’t squeeze a square peg in a round hole.”

A Square Peg.  I have to admit.  In looking over the course of my life I have been that square peg.  Truth be told, on many an occasion I have tried to fit in.  At times I was successful, and at other times I came up a little bit short.  But even during those times where I thought I was being successful fitting in, being that square peg fitting in a round hole, in truth it was at best nothing more than an illusion.

How often has each of us in our lives found ourselves trying to fit it?  Insisting that at times, in spite of the fact that we were a square peg, we still we would make it point to at times to even force ourselves to fit into that round hole.

Yes at times we did fit in.  But I would surmise that during those times when we forced ourselves to fit in, there was that feeling that something was not quite right.  A feeling that was telling us to not to try to fit in, but to be who and what we are called to be.

As Christians, each of us has a calling and a purpose to our lives.  No calling is the same.  God has a purpose and plan for everyone.  The ways of this world would implore us to fit in, to be like others.  But as the scriptures declare, the ways of man are not those of God.  God’s calling on our lives will result in us many times being that square peg that does not fit into the round hole, that being of this world.

Psalms 25:4 declares” Show me your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths.  As we follow in the foot path of the Lord, my prayer is that we do so with the knowledge that yes, we will indeed wind up being that square peg that doesn’t fit in with others around us, or even the world itself.  But as it stands in my life, if I am in accordance with God himself, and if in fact I know from whom all blessings flow, then indeed it will be well with my soul.

Yes perhaps I will not fit in, and my being that square peg may not be understood by others, but I will stand on the promise that when it is all said and done, it isn’t about this world that we live in.  Nor is it about what others may say or do.  It is most of all about the will of God.

My desire is to be obedient and to be pleasing in his sight.  A square peg to others, but to my Lord and saviour, a willing servant whose choice is to stand with the Lord.

To God be the Glory

Alan T. Black


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