This is of course the seventh month of this year 2024. I feel safe in saying that the first six months have truly flown by. Each day, it seems comes and goes quicker than the previous one.
At the halfway point of 2024 there may on the part of some, the need to pause and reflect. Doing so with the intent of looking back and revisiting some of the goals and objectives that they may have set on January 1st.
I would imagine that there is both good and bad in doing so. Good as it grants you the opportunity to put a check mark by some of those things that you successfully accomplished. As well there will be some things that remained unfulfilled. That I would suggest is par for the course.
For each of us we are positioned to view our halfway point of 2024 in different ways. For some they may focus on those things that yet have been accomplished. For some they will focus on those things accomplished and feel a sense of fulfillment.
There is no one way to evaluate where you are at this point in 2024. What works for one may not be that which works for others.
But regardless of which point of view that one may adopt there is the promise that each day gives each of us the chance to continue with our plans. To in essence start anew.
Start Anew. With the dawn of each day, we are blessed with another opportunity to start anew. It is not to be taken for granted.
To start anew provides us with the mindset that with a brand-new day the slate is fresh. Fresh to the extent that as we go forward, we can continue to press onward.
Start Anew. If we are willing to be open minded that window of opportunity to say though yesterday is gone this new day is one that give me another chance.
Another chance to continue pressing on, another chance to be truthful to the purpose that we have committed ourselves to, another chance to say today is yet another chance for me to Start Anew.
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